IronDuke's I-War2 Remake/I-War3

8 years 6 months ago #20283 by schmatzler
Wow. Sounds like a massive amount of work for just one person.

I'm looking forward to this. :)

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8 years 6 months ago #20284 by Chessking
- The armor situation reminds me of the MMO tank games "World of Tanks" and "War Thunder". World of Tanks has seperate armor values for the front, sides, and rear of the tank. War Thunder has separate armor thicknesses for each plate of armor. As a result, shot placement in War Thunder is much more strategic than in World of Tanks.
- I suggest adding the force-applying system, but hacking it to apply the same forces as usual. Part of I-War's style is strafing around a target while shooting at it, and a proper force system would make your ship maneuver terribly, upsetting this feature. If we add new ships, we could design them with engine thrusters in the the front and sides, so that they would maneuver properly even with realistic thrust values.

Besides, who said he'd be in the Badlands?

According to Torn Stars, a failed jump will either destroy your ship, or leave you stranded somewhere in between with heavy damage. I don't think he could survive being infected by aliens 200 lightyears from the nearest living person, in a damaged ship with no supplies. I think it is best to leave him be, as the original developers likely intended.

-The Space Engine skyboxes look good, but I don't know if you could make skyboxes to match the original style of the game. Each system in the Badlands has a distinct color to it. I suggest implementing the Space Engine skybox first, while I improve my generators until you are satisfied with the results. Also, I have an idea about how Space Engine skyboxes work. The algorithm I used to place metal slabs on the Biobomber can be modified to produce seeds for each stars. These seeds can be run through some algorithms to produce the size, color, and type of star. And in Space Engine, it would also generate the position number of planets, atmosphere type, etc. This would allow you to fly to each star in the sky.

Remember when I deleted all my data that one time? And had to rewrite EOC 2-D? Well, I also deleted the generators I had been using to produce images with algorithms. Just yesterday, though, before I found your post, I re-wrote it to be even better. The old generators were a muddy gray of messed up code and inefficient processes. This one is a crisp white color. Attached is the output of the generator, totaling less than 100 lines of code. The algorithm for the orange part is
return abs(tan(map(sin(map(tan(seed), 0, 5, 0, 255)*sin(1)-asin(1))*x/y, 0, 1, 0, 255)));
The algorithm for the blue portion is
return tan((seed*sin(x+4000))*(seed*sin(y)));

I didn't hear about Limit Theory until 2015.

Yay! Schmatzler! It has been a while since you posted.

This is one tough navy, boy. They don't give you time off, even for being dead. -Clay

Storm Petrel

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8 years 6 months ago #20286 by schmatzler

Chessking wrote: Yay! Schmatzler! It has been a while since you posted.

I'm always watching, but my time is very limited. But don't worry, I'll keep everything running here. B)

Space. The final frontier.

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8 years 6 months ago #20287 by IronDuke
"Always watching" he says...
*hides candy*
Nope. Didn't take more than allowed. Nuh uh. :whistle:

Chessking, that is a great background! The main advantage it would pose is that it would always be max quality, right? The problem with a skybox from Space Engine is that it could get really blurry if you have a really high resolution screen, or zoom in with a sniper view. Yours, assuming I'm thinking correctly and haven't let the sandwiches go to my head again, would always be pixel perfect. I can't be too sure; I have no idea how that code works. :lol: Looks like an unholy pile of math, the only aspect of coding I stink at.

As regards Maas, I think I'll just leave him out then. I did have a whopping huge explanation thing involving alien preservation, an undiscovered system halfway between the clusters, and some very evil collaboration. But I guess that'll have to be trashed.

For armor, I really like the War Thunder system, but the thing with a spaceship of the design in I-War2 could in fact be destroyed by taking out enough of the hull. WT does not have the ability to reduce armor coverage, although that'd not be too hard to implement. A "dynamic" hull is almost certainly necessary to keep I-War2 feeling like a space sim. I'm just unsure yet exactly what method of several I've conceived of to implement.

Thrusters on the sides and front? Yeah, seems I forgot to mention that the system I have allows for a literally infinite number of thrusters distributed between all six degrees of freedom. :evil: Not only that, but because of the way I coded it, you can easily position the thrusters to ensure the center of thrust matches the center of mass. This means that you can twist the joysticks like mad, and it'll behave in a manner almost exactly the same as I-War2. The difference is that there is a slight tremble/feel/dunnowhat that makes you feel like the thrusters are truly pushing the ship about. Somehow, ED also got this, but vanilla EOC lacks it. EOC feels like the ship accelerates, but not by being pushed by the thrusters. In addition, the float for input can be instantly replaced by a float calculated by an AI. This means that an AI vessel could use literally the EXACT SAME flight model as the player. It'd be really easy to code, too.
Every thruster can have its own multiplier value for perfect customization of how much force it applies, but I'm planning on expanding the system to use these factors instead:
-Time spent by the mass in the thruster. This depends on how fast the EM coils can accelerate it, which will use real-world equations to calculate.
-Amount of mass being ejected. This depends on the thruster's dimensions.
-Power running through the EM coils. This way the ship's engineer can simply crank a dial to 0.8 and the thruster's power consumption instantly drops to 80%, as well as the actual thrust provided.
These would merely be additional numbers to factor in, so that'd be trivial.
The biggest problem with this system is that, while a visual component is not required for operation, it really REALLY aids the feeling of being pushed through space. Very few of the I-War2 ships were designed in a way permitting even reverse thrusters, let alone lateral thrusters. We'd have to add those ourselves when remodelling the ships, so they wouldn't look exactly the same as in the vanilla game.

I'm adding a new question to the list right after I make this post. :)


Very little about the game is not known to me. Any questions you got, throw them at me. :)

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8 years 6 months ago - 8 years 6 months ago #20288 by IronDuke
Oh, you've got to be kidding me! This forum has no edit button! :blink: :|

Wait, posts I made today do... this is weird.

Ah, thanks Schmatzler! o7 Wouldn't want to be seeing horrible edit-necros performed by druid dinosaurs... :silly:


Very little about the game is not known to me. Any questions you got, throw them at me. :)

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8 years 6 months ago #20289 by schmatzler
There was a timelimit for editing posts, so you couldn't edit posts from billions of years ago.

I removed it for now.

Space. The final frontier.

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