Please join our NEW Discord server
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Happy New Year, everyone!
This is just a small post to let you know that our old Discord server has effectively been abandoned.
Discord has banned the user IronDuke, who was the sole administrator of this server and all of our requests to transfer ownership have been ignored.
There's a real possibility that the server might get deleted soon, due to being unmaintained and unmoderated.
We have set up a new server with a moderation team, so we'll (hopefully) never run into this issue again.
Please join it here:
Better Planets and a real NoCD patch
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Our second update for 2023 is exciting! Thanks to the amazing work from user "Stone-D" in our Discord the dreaded "Please Insert Play Disk" message has been removed from the game.
We also have a standalone mod for much better looking planets now and a fix for the I-War 2 Unleashed mod.
Welcome to 2023 - new mods, enhancements and other exciting news
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Hey all,
the time has come for another round of updates. "Wait, what? But last time it took you over two years to post another update", I hear you yelling in my head already.
Yes, you're right - it did. But the rate this community is growing at has increased immensely, and that is honestly amazing.
Reverse Engineering: Dagda and Wolf’s Lair bugs fixed after 21 years
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I am so excited to share today's news with you: We’ve been able to patch the two most glaring bugs this game had since its release over 21 years ago.
Thanks to our community member ZeroPipeline the proprietary .pkg files (which contain the mission logic) have been disassembled into useable source code. Fixes to this code have been made by other members of our community and then put into a community patch mod. Read on for further details.
Enhanced Textures Mod + Discord
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I know we are all experiencing COVID-19: Edge of Chaos right now and it's putting heavy restrictions on our lives.
Not everything has to be bad, though. Maybe you will find the time to come back to the Independence War games, just like we do every once in a while.
There are some news to be shared.
Happy new year.
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There are only a few days left for the new year to begin.
Time to celebrate with a new paintjob! Enjoy browsing this website on all modern devices.