This a modification of the in-game training course, where you fly through the rings.
The mod allows you to play the course outside of the main game's story, and adds a high-score table so you can keep track of your best times.
Written by Stephen Robertson - October 2001.

This a modification of the in-game training course, where you fly through the rings.
The mod allows you to play the course outside of the main game's story, and adds a high-score table so you can keep track of your best ship times.
The mod allows you to choose a ship from either the Advanced Patcom (PC), Command Section (CS), Heavy Corvette (HC), Storm Petrel (SP) or Tug (T).

Note: There's is an enhanced version of this mod called "Custom Jafs Plus" now. Give it a try.
Original description:
Want Jafs to fly a megafreighter? Well he can with this mod!
This mod allows you to change Jaf's ship to any ship you want, and also lets you turn off Jaf's speech and speed up his cargo loading.
By default this mod gives Jafs a 20 cargo-pod capacity freighter, turns off his cargo loading comments and removes the cargo loading delay.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you turn this mod on / off after playing a game session, you will need to quit back to the desktop and restart the game to register the change.

Adds a walkthough section to the Encyclopedia which is available in Lucrecia's Base. Contains hints for every major mission in the single-player game.

English Encyclopedia Walkthrough
Adds a walkthrough section to the Encyclopedia which is available in Lucrecia's Base. Contains hints for every major mission in the single-player game.
Starmap Reference Guide
This mod adds a starmap reference guide to the encyclopedia (deluxe version incorporate pictures of the clusters).
This version now boast an A to Z index of all the locations to be found in the Badland and Gagarin Clusters in html and text format (thanks goes to TechnoTone <

This mod allows you to play Edge Of Chaos in free-form mode, once you've completed it. You'll get to keep all your cargo, trades, etc and you can also jump between the two clusters, giving you unprecedented total access to the whole Edge Of Chaos universe!
To enable free form mode you must turn on the mod, then play through and complete the final mission. The game will then ask if you wish to go into free-form mode. If you accept, the game will:
1. Resurrect your base, placing it in Santa Romera.
2. Give you back the Storm Petrel.
3. Let you to travel between clusters by capsule jumping through the jump accelerators.
3. Add trades for Antimatter Remotes and Mines. (1 pod of any Antimatter cargo type for a pack of weapons).

This mod adds a Location Finder screen to the single player game that shows a list of all stations and lagrange points in a solar system in alphabetical order, making it easy to find a particular location.
When you've found a location in the list, you can then set a waypoint for the location and use the autopilot to take you there.

This mod adds a Location Finder screen to the single player game that shows a list of all stations and lagrange points in a solar system in alphabetical order, making it easy to find a particular location.
When you've found a location in the list, you can then set a waypoint for the location and use the autopilot to take you there.

This mod allows you to fire countermeasures manually by pressing a key or joystick button.

This mod allows you to fire countermeasures manually by pressing a key or joystick button.

Multimod allows multiple scripted mods to run simultaneously.
This mod must be active for Multimod compatible mods to work.

This mod removes the Lucrecia's Base launch and docking sequences, so you don't have to skip them manually each time you launch / dock.

Fancy a mining laser jousting match?
This mod allows you to specify the list of powerups that are available in a multiplayer game on a per-scenario basis.