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Custom Custom Jafs HOT

Note: There's is an enhanced version of this mod called "Custom Jafs Plus" now. Give it a try.

Original description:

Want Jafs to fly a megafreighter? Well he can with this mod!

This mod allows you to change Jaf's ship to any ship you want, and also lets you turn off Jaf's speech and speed up his cargo loading.

By default this mod gives Jafs a 20 cargo-pod capacity freighter, turns off his cargo loading comments and removes the cargo loading delay.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you turn this mod on / off after playing a game session, you will need to quit back to the desktop and restart the game to register the change.


Configuration Information

To configure Jafs change the values of the options in the [CustomJafs] section of the game's flux.ini config file.

Note: If any of these options are missing or deleted in the flux.ini the game will re-create them using the default values. If any of the values are out of range the game will use the default values instead, but will not overwrite the values in the flux.ini.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Make a backup of the flux.ini first, and don't change any other options in the flux.ini unless you are absolutely sure of what you are doing!

There are three options:


The time in seconds between pods loading. Can be any value between 0 and 15 seconds. ( Default = 0 ).


Turn off some or all of Jafs comments.

0 = All Jafs speech off
1 = Jafs cargo comments off.
2 = All Jafs speech on.

( Default = 0 )


Specifies the ship that jafs will use. The number of cargo tags available is equal to the number of free cargo ports on the ship.

If there are no cargo ports on the ship, or if the ship doesn't work for some reason, the mod will use the standard SNRV instead.

( Default = ini:/sims/ships/utility/freighter  - a 20 pod Venice class freighter. )

Created Monday, 15 December 2014 04:56
Changed Friday, 03 March 2023 20:20
Size 14.08 KB
Author This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Downloads 4,496
(16 votes)
This is the most invaluable mod of them all. Combine this with the Colossus mod, and you will never be waiting on Jafs again. As a bonus, this mod also shuts him up if you want. :mrgreen:

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