Category: Act Two - The Badlands
Downloads: 18
The MCA has the ships. The factions who pledged help have the pilots. Now it's Cal's job to get the pilots get to the ships... something the Marauders dare not allow.

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Indigo sends Cal an apology for her previous outburst at the Ritz and asks if Cal and gang would be willing to take on a mission of utmost importance; a blockade run. She promises shiny new hardware...

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Cal assists the MCA, who believe they've found a way to pin-point Marauder bases.

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Jarvis tells Cal he's found a backdoor L-point from Mwari to Dagda. He'll show him where it is if Cal helps protect a convoy of indentures fleeing the corporate iron fist.

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The battle is on. Cal heads to the Dante system to get in on the action.

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A group known only as 'The Third Man' offer a reward if Cal assassinates a Maas spy who has been gathering information from the MCA.

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Before committing their forces into a full-on attack, the League decides to scout out the Dante System and the Marauder facilities therein. Believe it or not, its up to Cal to pilot his Comsec and scout out the enemy.

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Now that Franklyn Hoffer has signed on as the commander of the Resistance, and both the Third Way and Oman have pledged their help, Cal is off to Firefrost to round up what help can be found there.

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The League has asked Cal to search the star systems of the Badlands and find help to combat the Marauders. With his new capsule drive, Cal is also ready for his first trip out-system.

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The Kong have become upset with the rest of the League and decided to break away. Cal must rescue this fragile alliance before someone does something stupid. Good luck... ;)

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Searching for allies against the Marauders brings Cal to the Oman. To qualify for assistance, he must pass their trials and join up.

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The Marauders have become entirely too adept at ambushing convoys. Cal is asked to investigate their strange skill at this most deadly game.

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When Haven station is attacked by Marauders, Cal rushes to assist.

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After enlisting the Third Way's help in Eureka, Clay theorizes that Freddie Jackson, at Jackson's Yard in Coyote, is actually Franklyn Hoffer, the founder of Hoffer's Wake. Cal is ready to test this theory and, should it be true, see if he can enlist Hoffer as the commander for the Resistance against the Marauders.

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Frederick Jackson tells Cal of a contact for the MCA who calls himself 'the Ambassador' which may be able to help him in his war against the Marauders. This Ambassador is near the planet Brotherhood in the Santa Romera system.

Comments: 2
Now that the Oman have pledged limited help, Cal seeks out the Third Way in Eureka system.

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The police, the government, the League, the Junkers, the Carva Cartel and the Stepsons are all gathering together near Greenback in the Hoffer's Wake system to prepare for an attack on a Marauder base. And Cal's been invited to the party.

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Equipped with the hyperspace tracker, Cal is now capable of locating the Marauder base and its associated facilities.

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