The capital of the Terran Star Empire

20 years 2 months ago #11219 by GrandpaTrout
Yes, I would like to see that PDF. Yeah, pinning down exact values for the SDK is really hard, because something works once, and you think you understand it, but it was really the result of something else, or just works for one body type.


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20 years 2 months ago #11223 by Second Chance
Ok, it's sent.

btw - check out the O/T Waffle forum. I put something in there you might find interesting.
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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20 years 2 months ago #11226 by GrandpaTrout
Got it! Will review. It has been a while since I last wrote any of that code.

I was thinking about your cloud issue. Do you know which cloud texture is being selected? Once you know the index number of the texture, it would give you at least some guesses as to which byte is doing the selecting. Then you can change the candidate bytes until the texture changes.

Of course, that assumes that PS did not write a nifty piece of code that converts atmospheric pressure or something into a cloud texture index....


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20 years 2 months ago #11232 by Tarcoon

Originally posted by GrandpaTrout

So if a society passes the bronze age and falls back, it can never climb back up again.

I don't agree with that. The line of technical and economical evolution may differ from the "first" one. Maybe there is no need for oil or coal, because this society won't find it. Instead it develops regenerative energy sources like solar energy or uses saltwater?
They may invent some fine technology based on carbon, selen and nitrogen?
I guess most of the metal mass will be still here as long as we don't shoot it into space.

I think most of the inventions do base on coincidence. Often they depend on each other and from time to time there appears a genius who combines them new.
Oil is one of the most important resources of our society, but what would have happened if nobody had realised its value?

Imagine your monitor is made from ceramic or rubber? There is a small "plish" on your glaslike roof collecting photons for your energyconverter. Don't ask me what this "plish" is, but they'll know on time:D
Maybe they won't have any hair left on their bodies, but enjoy this sticky orange liquid on their skin.
Women wear those leathercones on the head, they are "in" this season...

Mankind is curious, able to adapt to different livingconditions and has an enormous potential to invent.
I think they would find other methods to regain strength and prosperity, technology and intolerance.

There is no safe distance

There is no safe distance

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20 years 2 months ago #11234 by GrandpaTrout

Instead it develops regenerative energy sources like solar energy or uses saltwater?

You could well be right about the metals. Once they are mined up, they should stay in circulation. Like gold remeleted and remelted. Of course, there are always losses.

But it is the power producing resources that are the largest problem. Your power producing systems need to generate more energy than it takes to create them. Solar and wind power are marginal power producers. Hydropower is good, but very limited. Without oil or coal (or the like) you are limited to wood burning or perhaps the conversion of sugars into alcohol. No where can you find the vast amounts of power needed to forge millions of tons of steel per year. Or millions of tons of glass, and concrete. Or support a world wide overnight transportation system.

Imagine how much wood you would need to burn to generate the electricity needed crack a million pounds of water into hydrogen and oxygen that are required for a single space launch.

Perhaps if it turns out that fusion powerplants could be manufactured by a civilization that only has wood fired steam engines.

But I can appreciate your point. It is my understanding that the Romans understood concrete very, very well. And it was not until the last 100 years that humanity could duplicate some of their feats (like getting concrete to harden underwater).


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20 years 2 months ago #11236 by Tarcoon
Sure, the energy problem would have to be (re)solved. But there may be solutions we don't think about. Your arguments are based on actual ways to melt metal or power a worldwide transportation system.
We don't know different possibilities, even maybe invented and kept secret for economical reasons.

Nature show some solutions: Photosythesis creates a huge amount of "power", the oceans hide or offer some energy (streams and tide), vulcans are rather hot, lightnings may be a source too...
Enough energy is available but not usable yet. We use fossil energy because there is no effective alternative recognized. Nuclear power is available but we know the hidden danger.
Who would believe that a certain amount of metal bumped together serves this gigantic output of energy? Maybe a critical mass of tomatoes will start a chainreaction too, delivers electricity and finest Heinz Ketchup?

But maybe there will be an italian Bepito Spazzegutti in the next global 18th century who discovers a simple way to use XXX as energy source for the world. And the melting of tons of metal and the powering of global transportation continues...

There is no safe distance

There is no safe distance

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