The capital of the Terran Star Empire

20 years 2 months ago #11204 by Shane
Actually, you are incorrect Second Chance. :D

The naming convention you described exists only because we are currently planet-bound... therefore, our moon can be easily identified as "the Moon". This name only works in the present.

But I assume your mod does not take place in 2004. Once a race sets up homes in other locations throughout the galaxy, that naming convention would fall apart. Certainly a person living on planet Gorlith in the Ack-Ack sector would not be referring to Luna as 'the moon'. If he said "Take this package to the moon, pronto!" he would be refering to the moon which circles his home planet (or the nearest available moon if none circles Gorlith).

And, Jwk, the name of the body is Luna. 'Lunar' is the posessive form... as in lunar lander (a fine arcade game), lunar crater, or lunar surface. In the same manner, Sol is the name of our sun. But the possessive form is 'solar'... as in solar eclipse, solar wind, etc.

Of course, this is all just nit-picking and purely for amusement. We must be bored. ;)

<font size="1"><font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="black">"Never before in the history of the world had such a mass of human beings moved and suffered together. This was no disciplined march; it was a stampede-- without order and without a goal, six million people unarmed and unprovisioned, driving headlong. It was the beginning of the rout of Civilisation... of the massacre of Mankind."
--H. G. Wells The War Of The Worlds</font id="black"></font id="Book Antiqua"> </font id="size1">

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20 years 2 months ago #11205 by Jwk the Hemp Monkey
With that reasoning we should call this planet 'homeworld' lol.

No, since you are using a chart that inculdes many MANY human inhabited worlds (in the EoC universe). Using terms such as ' The moon ' or ' The planet' or ' The sun' is a bit backward for a space-race given that it could mean *any* planet moon or sun. The only reason you can present that infomation as viable is because it is based on the current 'real' world. One that does not really inculde the idea of colonies on other planets with a real world based defintion of the planets.

In later ages it is inevitable that 'The planet' will be named The Earth, or Terra. The moon would be known by its name, Lunar. The 'lunar landings' were not ment to be a poetic term, but an accurate definition. Saying 'the moon landing' would not make any sense to someoen from the EoC universe given that it they probably just landed on a small moon for a tea-break.

In such a universe where there are 1000s of orbital stations, many many terraformed-planets, The definition of the homeworld and its sun and moon would change. The homeworld wouldbe known as The Earth. The moon as Lunar, and the sun as Sol, or ' The Sun Sol'.

Jwk...comander of =HEMP HUNGRY MONKEY=

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20 years 2 months ago #11206 by Second Chance
Damn, I am bored. So I'll elucidate.

Well, theories aside, here's how it is in SpaceMaster.

In the Fifth Century of the Terran Star Empire, His Imperial Majesty and the Royal Family are the sole residents of Old Earth, inhabiting 12 palaces dotting the globe. However, members of the Imperial Cabinet and their families, as well as foreign dignataries are frequent visitors. And many of them spend considerable amounts of time there, as well as on the Earth's Moon (hmm, wasn't too hard to identify, even in the future ;)), which serves as the central administration base for the defense and security of the Imperial Family. This base coordinates the 2 massive battle fleets that surround and protect the Earth from potential intruders who would do the Emperor or his family harm. The so-called Sol Star System comprises the core of the Galactic Imperium, which is comprised of approximately 15 star systems. This, in turn, is surrounded by the Inner Provinces. And then, the Outer Provinces. Beyond that is the Frontier, which is divided up into 24 Frontier Zones. (The frontier zones are the SpaceMaster equivelent of the Wild West.)

So the old pre-Imperial stellar labels are perfectly adequate for the Imperial Core System.

And now. . . The Arguments! Da da daaaah!

If he said "Take this package to the moon, pronto!" he would be refering to the moon which circles his home planet

Correct. Unless he wanted it to go to our moon. In which case he would simply say "Take this package to Earth's Moon, pronto!" Pretty simple, huh?

. . .the name of the body is Luna. 'Lunar' is the posessive form...

. . .Sol is the name of our sun. But the possessive form is 'solar'...

He's right, ya know. :)

We must be bored.

Right about this too. ;)

With that reasoning we should call this planet 'homeworld'

Why not call it Terra, and call ourselves the posessive of Terra; or Terrans. Oh wait, we do. ;)

Using terms such as ' The moon ' or ' The planet' or ' The sun' is a bit backward for a space-race given that it could mean *any* planet moon or sun.

Did you actually read my last post? It references this point specifically.

The 'lunar landings' were not ment to be a poetic term, but an accurate definition.

Prove this statement. Show me where you referenced this information. Also, see Shane's point about "Lunar."
This may help:

ADJECTIVE: 1. Of, involving, caused by, or affecting the moon.
2. Measured by the revolution of the moon.
3. Of or relating to silver.

The Landing "involved" The Moon, thus: Lunar Landing.

Saying 'the moon landing' would not make any sense to someoen from the EoC universe. . .

Why not? "The Moon Landing" is a huge historical event in Earth's history. That's like saying "The Great War" doesn't make any sense to modern people because we've had so many wars since. But I'm sure there are better examples.

The moon as Lunar,. . .

Hemp Monkey, you have my admiration for your tenacity. My compliments.
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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20 years 2 months ago #11208 by Jwk the Hemp Monkey
hmm, we must of all been typing away at the same time. I never saw shanes post to this point. He is indeed correct that Luna is the name and Lunar is possesive.
Shane and i had very similar thoughts, but we expressed them quite differently, however, relying on definitions is never reliable because definitions are simplifications of a dynamic universe. And thus those that want to compartmentalise the deapth and subtly of the world shall almost always loose in the long run.

Jwk...comander of =HEMP HUNGRY MONKEY=

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20 years 2 months ago #11209 by Tarcoon
Terra and Luna are latin words for our homeplanet (the)"Earth" and its trabant "the Moon".

Terra means earth/land - like Aqua means water.

Luna is the roman name of the greek godess Selene - godess of the moon, all the other planets and moons of our solar system were given names from the roman mythology too.

Even Terra has a mythological name: Gaia - mother of all the gods and godesses. Remember the geocentric vision of the people in ancient history?

Terra is roman, Gaia is greek. Terra/Gaia is the godess of the earth, but not mother of all the other gods/godesses.
(just did a short check via Google:))
The romans "copied" up to a certain degree the greek mythology but used different names.

If someone wants to concern to the mythological names he should use Terra and Luna. All the others may know what you are talking about when using Earth and Moon.

The naming of Jupiter, Saturn, Mars or Venus, Titan, Europa, Io or other rather visual planets or moons happened some hundred years ago - I don't know if they keep on with this tradition whenever they detect a new celestial corpus in our system.
Some hundred years ago nobody thought of "leaving Earth" and colonizing other planets of even systems. Up to present time I guess astronomists, astrologists and even NASA guys still use the terminus "the Moon" for our lonely trabant.
They'll use the specific name for every other moon they want to refer to or talk of "a moon" in common.

Mankind gets used to phrases like "the sun is rising" because most of us have natural problems with global or even galactic viewpoints.
As long as most of us lack the impression of a rising earth there is no need to change terminology or phrases.

Nobody knows what the future brings, if we'll leave this planet, if we'll destroy it before or if mankind will survive using a lower tech level? A wodden stick for making fire and a club for defence?

Does someone know how often it happened up to now?;) Funny thought.

Second Chance, the :D was for both of you, because the hole discussion was spotted with rights and wrongs, but really funny to read. I didn't want to touch your ego. Everybody shall tell his opinion and everybody will learn new things. As long as there is enough tolerance on this board we will win...

There is no safe distance

There is no safe distance

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20 years 2 months ago #11210 by Second Chance
Well I thank you for the debate, Hemp Monkey. :)

You're totally right to argue with me. I love being questioned and made to answer for my statements, it makes me have to be sure of my facts. And educates me when I'm wrong. I don't like to take anything for granted, and neither should you. You made a lot of good, logically derived statements. I really had to make sure of what I was talking about. And in so doing, I learned something about the colloquial names for space bodies that I didn't know before. So, thanks. [8D]

Oops. This was supposed to come before Tarcoon's post.
But since it didn't:

Luna is a name of the roman godess Selene

Luna was the name of the Roman goddess. Selene was what the Greeks called her.

. . .all the other planets and moons of our solar system were given names from the roman mythology too.

And interestingly, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were discovered and named within the past few hundred years. Pluto as recently as 1930. When Uranus and Neptune were discovered, there was not an established tradition in place so a few names were considered and used for each planet, until one name became standard for each. The name Pluto was actually suggested by an eleven-year-old English girl.

astronomists, astrologists and even NASA guys still use the terminus "the Moon" for our lonely trabant.

They're actually talking about renaming The Moon. Isn't that strange?

btw - Nice additional info, Tarcoon. [8D]
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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