Modifying default ship.ini's

8 years 5 months ago #20449 by Chessking
Thanks for the tip! I will copy your message into a text document for when I might need it, and so I don't forget where it is.

This is one tough navy, boy. They don't give you time off, even for being dead. -Clay

Storm Petrel

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8 years 4 months ago #20480 by ataraiym
Finally got some time to try this again... and I dunno what you did Ironduke, but she flies great!

REALLY appreciate the efforts you made - I was determined to play this all the way through only hitting Mass and Marauders, but it was heavy going.... now I can fly without losing 30 minutes salvaged pods because of too many marauders at once.

I'd buy you a beer if I could :)


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8 years 4 months ago #20483 by IronDuke

ataraiym wrote: I'd buy you a beer if I could :)

I don't drink anyway. :P Although... if you're serious about that form of appreciation, I may call in a favor one day... :whistle:


Very little about the game is not known to me. Any questions you got, throw them at me. :)

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3 years 7 months ago #20856 by Atheist Antichrist
I have a semi-related is about .ini's so this seemed to be the best place to post. ..assuming anyone is around to respond. The Gatling Cannon: where exactly is the ini for it? Or is the "assault_cannon" actually the Gatling? What about the assault_cannon_ring? I can't make heads or tails of it and I would really like to increase the ammo available for the gatling cannon because it runs out so quickly.

Regarding the assault cannon it has these lines under properties:


ammo_count =

What is that about? It's the only ini I've seen that has it and I'm curious as to the reason.

I was screwing around with the files and now my gatling ammo count is at 9999 and doesn't count down as I use it until I run out of gatling ammo crates. It's weird and I kind of like not running out of ammo, but I want to fix it anyway but I''m having trouble figuring figuring out where to fix it. I guess I could pull the original files from the but then I have to rebuild my enhancement mod. Also rebuilding it would leave me back into the position of not really knowing where the gatling cannon ini is.

"It's better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt"
-Mark Twain

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3 years 5 months ago #20874 by IronDuke
"assault_cannon" is the ammo-consuming Gatling cannon

"assault_cannon_ring" is the energy-consuming Assault cannon, only available late in Act 3. The name refers to the reactor ring built into the weapon providing it enough power not to require ammo shells. Originally the Gatling was called the Assault cannon during development, and because of this some legacy references such as this one still remain.

I don't exactly know the difference between max_ammo_count and ammo_count, but if I had to take a guess I'd wager the latter is how many rounds the weapon has by default and the former is the highest amount it can carry, example being from restocking at the instant action supply vessel. Someone would have to test it out.

An ammo display of 9999 and not counting down is simply because that's the highest value the hud can display, so maybe you have, for example, 15,000 rounds. It will eventually begin to count down once the ammo count drops below 10,000.

Hope that helps

Very little about the game is not known to me. Any questions you got, throw them at me. :)

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1 month 3 weeks ago #21008 by scooby
Replied by scooby on topic Modifying default ship.ini's
i tried to modify the tug, doesnt seem to have worked, i added armour and hp, any ideas?

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