Here is a little cristmas present for all you Buda5 fans. In this short mission you will single-handedly annihilate a small fleet! How, you ask? Well, see for yourself...
This scenario requires the following Buda5 resource packages: and

Buda5 InGame replaces all ships, stations in the Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos main campaign with Babylon 5 ships, stations. This also includes mission specific ships.
After installing, you cannot play the original game anymore. Click on the title to see the full README.

Buda5 ini files (Jul 28th, 2003)
This mod contains all ship and weapon ini files. To be used with the July ship pack.

Buda5 Project - Mission Collection 2003 features:
- The Buda5 Gallery
- Omega Patrol
- Skirmish Generator
- Escort Mission
- Director War

Buda5 ship pack (Jul 29th, 2003)
This file contains all Buda5 ships. It doesn't do anything by itself.

The packet contains the following scenarios:
Warlord´s Skirmish Generator
Indie´s Director War
Indie´s Ship Gallery
Roi Danton´s X-Mas Adventure 2002
Create a folder called Buda5_SkGen under the mods folder. Unzip the Buda5 XMas Scenario zip file into this directory.
Simon´s StarFury cockpit is included, too. For playing the Missions both the Buda5 Ship Packet and the Buda5 INI Packet are required and must be activated in Extras Screen of I-War2