Another application of MajorTom's icTurret Cockpit

19 years 6 months ago #18273 by Second Chance
I finally gotten around around to doing something I've wanted for a long time. As you know, no part of a ship is visible from the cockpit, even if it sticks out in front. And that just won't fly when piloting the Millennium Falcon. So, I cut the bow mandibles off of the ship model and made them into their own model. Which I attached using the turret cockpit setup of MajorTom. Now when you turn hard left, you can see the front of the falcon out the cockpit's left window. And they don't show from the outside, either. [8D]

btw - I know this was something MajorTom and Shane did a long time ago with the Verona freighter, but I thought it was cool enough to post about. :D

Plus, we need a new post here. [}:)]
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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19 years 6 months ago #11814 by Hot4Darmat
Could you post a screenie of this cool new effect?


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19 years 6 months ago #11823 by Second Chance

It may not look like much in the pic (especially with the blank temp textures), but in-game it really helps you realize that the cockpit is hanging way off of the right side of the ship. Makes me kinda wish you could look over further when you turn. [8D]

It'll be even cooler when you're looking out the falcon's own cockpit.
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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19 years 6 months ago #11830 by MajorTom
Thats a cool application of the effect. Great Work!

Originally posted by Second Chance

Makes me kinda wish you could look over further when you turn. [8D]

I agree! I wish I could think of a way to do it [xx(]

The amount of cockpit sway is a config value in flux, so it can't be changed dynamically.
At the current setting it already sways almost too much for a Tie (IMO). Any more sway would be unrealistic on that ship.

I wish we could think of a way to reduce the sway via the cockpit model or any other ship specific parameters. Then we could increase the sway parameter to accomodate the Falcon while reducing it on other ships

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19 years 6 months ago #11834 by Hot4Darmat
Very cool indeed


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19 years 6 months ago #11835 by Second Chance
Thanks guys. :)

Actually, it's funny. Doing this made me realize that the cockpit sway we were so thrilled and surprised to get with the custom cockpits should have been obvious from the beginning. I think we were so thrilled that the new cockpits had sway that we didn't stop to question why they did. This view of the falcon, and MT and Shane's Verona make the explanation obvious: The cockpits don't have sway! In fact, nothing on the ship has sway. It's the player camera that has sway! The cockpits and subsim hull pieces we've attached to the ships remain rock-solid steady when the ship moves, but the first F1 camera has a unique relationship with the craft and moves according to diffferent rules. Now I understand the difference between the F1 view with the cockpit and the F1 view without the cockpit. I always thought the view with the cockpit was moving the cocpit around the camera. That's why I thought it behaved differently from the other view, and forced a sort of snap-back feature on the ship (**read quickly below about the snap-back feature). Well it does behave differently, really. It's just that it wasn't the ship that was snapping back. I believe that there must be two different cameras in the same spot. One for the cocpit view, which rolls around when you turn; and one for the non-cockpit view, which remains steadily locked to the ship like any other subsim.

Boy, what an epiphany this was for me. Here I was, all this time, thinking that the cockpit sway was some complicated procedure that was somehow built into the cockpit itself, when all along it was just another simple subsim-like model added to the ship by the game view code.

The interesting idea this brings up is: I'll bet that with the custom cockpits in use, you can no longer F1 switch to the non-cockpit view. Because it's no longer the game code that's adding and removing the cockpit model. So, just like the new cockpits showing up outside the ship on external views, the new custom cockpits will be seen with either F1 internal view. But who cares?! We've got cool custom cockpits! :D

**The snap-back feature is when you're turning your ship and the ship seems to snap-back a little when you let go of the controls. The reason for this is because you're letting go of the controls when the camera is pointing at your target, not when the ship is pointing at your target. This gives the appearance of the ship swinging slightly back in the opposite direction. When really, the ship has already stopped moving, and it's just the camera swinging back into the forward facing position.
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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