Have fun, fly around and disrupt ships and gunstars

Replaces the dock-on autoturret with a convincing beam turret. The turret has the same damage rate as a cutting beam and has a 3km range.

Replaces the dock-on autoturret with a convincing beam turret. The turret has the same damage rate as a cutting beam and has a 6km range.

Replaces the dock-on autoturret with a Shock turret. The turret has the same damage rate as a Neutron-PBC and has a 12km range.

Changes the Seeker Missile into a devastating Fusion Missile.
When you absolutely positively need to kill every last motherfucker within a 5km radius, accept no substitute.

Changes the Mining Charge into a devastating Fusion Missile.
When you absolutely positively need to kill every last motherfucker within a 5km radius, accept no substitute.

Changes the Mining Charge into a devastating Fusion Missile.
When you absolutely positively need to kill every last motherfucker within a 5km radius, accept no substitute.

Toggle on or off to enhance the lighting effects of all but the storm petrel player controled ships. (And the AI controled player ships)
Effects added:
Radio Chatter (only audible from inside the cockpit)
Realistic Lighting patterns (like those on actual airplanes)
Engine Hum (only audible from inside the cockpit)
IMPORTANT NOTE: To experience the engine hum or radio chatter you must have the music off or very low.

This mod is a very simple one in that all it does is to make a weapon to replace the Gnat. This weapon holds 300 mines per slot and is dependant on somthing ramming it.

This mod creates some new sensors for the AI, bringing them to par with the players passive sensors (I mean 5 different Levels) also the ID ranges and detected brightness levels have been edited (maximum range of sensors in general has been reduced) activating the Active sensors does increase your brightness significantly.

This mod replaces the Pulse Accelerated PBC with the Proton PBC, which is a very fast firing, and does 100 damage vs the 250 damage of a heavy pbc.

This is a basic utility mod intended to make player ship sensors slightly more interesting to use.