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Goliath C Goliath Class HOT

Manufacturer: CLASSIFIED

Classification: Low Orbit Bomber

Standard Crew: CLASSIFIED

Acceleration: CLASSIFIED (2 m/s according to rumours)


Mass (empty): CLASSIFIED

Length: CLASSIFIED (more than 2 km according to rumours)

Standard Armament: CLASSIFIED (Several Gatling PBCs and a planetary assault gun according to rumours)


Little is known about this craft except that it is designed as a low orbit bomber for planetary assaults.

Webmaster's Comment: There are still some problems with the light reflections on the textures, but I think Neal is working on it. He told me he also has a description on this ship, so have a look at this section sometime again for an upgrade. But wow, it's a great piece of work! It is heavily armed, it is gigantic, it looks fantastic, ain't it fun?? Don't tell me you don’t want to download this!

Created Friday, 02 January 2015 14:28
Changed Friday, 02 January 2015 14:37
Size 64.1 KB
Author This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Downloads 1,486
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