Number of Categories: 2
Downloads for the first Independence War.
Downloads for the second game in the series.
Location Finder / Locali Description Ce mod ajoute l'écran Localisateur dans le jeu solo qui affiche une liste de toutes les stations et points lagrange dans un système solaire par ordre alphabétique, ce qui rend plus facile de trouver un lieu particulier. Quand vous avez trouvé un... |
French Mods |
Babylon 5 Station Description Replaces the players base with the Babylon 5 station, our last best hope for peace (and a good babylon 5 game :D) |
BUDA5 (Babylon5) Mods |
Downloads for the first Independence War.
Downloads for the second game in the series.
Manual (English) Description The English version of the manual for I-War 2 in PDF format. |
EoC Patch Ver F14.6 - 10 October 2001 Description The latest patch for Edge of Chaos. |
Act3 M1 - "Unternehmen auf der Flucht" |
Act4 Sie benötigen "Free Form Mod" |
Act3 M2 - "Kampf der Giganten" |
BetterGraphics Description This is the Better Planets, Better Skybox, and Enhanced Textures mods rolled into one mod, with ReShade compatibility and a sample settings file.... |
Modernized Keyboard Reference Cards (EN/DE) Description These are modernized keyboard reference cards for I-War 2, made with colors more pleasing to the eyes. Thanks to ErikS for making these! |
I-War 2 Keyboard-Referenzkarte (deutsch) Description Verlierst du die Steuerung ständig aus den Augen? Dann hol' dir diese Karte, drucke sie aus und lege sie dahin, wo deine Augen sie sehen können (am... |
I-War 2 Joystick-Referenzkarte (deutsch) Description Verlierst du die Steuerung ständig aus den Augen? Dann hol' dir diese Karte, drucke sie aus und lege sie dahin, wo deine Augen sie sehen können (am... |
Joycon Profile Description Alakelele's Joycon Controller Profile for I-War 2: Edge of Chaos You will need to download https://github.com/Davidobot/BetterJoy or use the one in... |
Multimod Description Multimod allows multiple scripted mods to run simultaneously. This mod must be active for Multimod compatible mods to work. |
Custom Jafs Description Note: There's is an enhanced version of this mod called "Custom Jafs Plus" now. Give it a try. Original description: Want Jafs to fly a... |
English Encyclopedia Walkthrough and Starmap Deluxe Reference Guide Description English Encyclopedia Walkthrough Adds a walkthrough section to the Encyclopedia which is available in Lucrecia's Base. Contains hints for every... |
UniGUI Description MULTIMOD VERSION - REQUIRES MULTIMOD. UniGUI provides a central GUI from which subscreens can branch out. To open UniGUI, hold down CTRL and ALT... |
I-War 2 Unleashed Description This add-on to I-War 2 Edge of Chaos was designed to improve and expand the game in a number of ways. In many cases it also tries to make the game... |