how can you alter beam weopon ranges?

19 years 3 months ago #18366 by revilo
beam weopons rule, but range sucks. i mean, the aiming restraint should be enough to limit their use! so how can i mod their effecive range, to say, double the existing defaults?



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19 years 3 months ago #12403 by Second Chance
I'll give you the quick method here, but I highly recommend reading the modding documentation if you want to start seriously modding the game.

All the beam weapon INI's are located in the file in the EoC install directory. To mod just the beam weapon lengths (without going to the trouble of making a mod zip file), do this:
  • Create a new folder in your EoC mods folder and name it without spaces, like; Long_Beams or something.
  • Extract the beam weapon INI's from to this folder with the directories intact. To help you find them, they are all located in \sims\weapons\, and look like; antimatter_beam.ini, cutting_beam.ini, etc. So browse the zip file by directory and they'll be easier to spot.
  • Select all the files you extracted (which should now be in "Long_Beams/sims/weapons/"), right-click and select Properties, and uncheck read-only.
  • Open each INI with notepad (or another non-formatting text editor), and edit the entry at the bottom that says:
    With XXXX being the length in meters for the beam. Save.
  • Start EoC, go into the Extras screen and select Long_Beams. Play with your new Long Range Beam mod. [8D]
The reason you need to name the folder with no spaces is so it will show up in the Extras screen. If you want to make a zip file instead (to keep your mod neat), do this:
  • Move your Long_Beams mod folder somewhere else on your computer.
  • Create a new zip archive inside your Long_Beams mod folder and name it
  • Create a new text file inside your Long_Beams mod folder and name it exactly the same name as your zip file; for example, "Long_Beams.txt"
  • Open the text file and add:
    [Info] display_name = "Your mod name here"
    Using whatever name you want to be displayed in the Extras screen.
  • Select the text file and the sims folder and drag them onto the zip file. When the add files dialog pops up make sure to select "Keep Directories Intact", or something like it.
  • Put the file into your EoC mods folder. Start the game and select your mod.
That should get you going for now. But once you see how easy it is to mod INI files, you'll probably spend all night tweaking every area of the game until your eyes fall out. ;)
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos
(my book: on hold during the Star Wars: Wings of Defiance mod)

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19 years 3 months ago #12404 by revilo
thanks! very cool of you.



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