Really dopey Pog question

19 years 3 months ago #18339 by Second Chance
Well, since I lost everything I've ever made when my hard drive crashed (except SW stuff), I have to start coding all over again. And would you believe it, I can't remember half of how to do it. Can someone (GT, EM64) tell me why my back buttons and title won't show up. Here's the code:
ScenarioMain() { iGUI.OverlayCustomScreen("test_scene1.StartScreen"); } Main() { } StartScreen() { hwindow shady_bar; shady_bar = iGUI.CreateShadyBar(); iGUI.AddTitle(shady_bar, "Screen 1"); iGUI.AddBackButton(shady_bar, "test_scene1.On_Back_Button"); //iGUI.CreateBackButton( 10, 100, shady_bar ); } On_Back_Button() { GUI.RemoveLastOverlay(); } // END OF FILE
I get the shady bar fine. But everything attached to it refuses to exist. All my uses, provides and prototypes are there. What dumb-ass, obvious thing am I doing wrong? Did I need to declare my title and back button as separate window objects? Thanks.

Grrr. It's really frustrating getting hung up so early on basic stuff after all the work I've already done. :(!

Ok, some debugging tells me it looks like it's a problem with my screen class. What's wrong with it?

Phooey! Nevermind. My screen class was ok. It turns out that I did after all forget to export the necessary functions.

Well, I feel silly. :p
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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