Idea For A Story Im Writing - Possible Mission

21 years 2 months ago #17848 by bones_of_the_many
ive been thinking of a way to tell a story of what happens to the survivors of the game, after that blow up that accelerator. what happens to them? what resources are they left with? are they in some far reaches of space? (i think no, but i have to play the game again)

ive been building a story of what happens, and eventually im going to begin writing an epic story (with CHAPTERS!) about it.

so heres my idea, but first let me ask a few questions.

1. i assume that the bases like in star trek have some sory of gravity plating keeping the people from bouncing off the walls, what would happen if the gravity plating failed? gravity = shit goes everywhere.


2. what kind of emergency fire system do you think they have on the stations? pressurized? (like an extinguisher) or sprinklers that use water? well in my story ive decided to use water.

so now all i need i something to make the station rock, or shudder.

the idea was (and first let me thank you for reading this far) to have water slusing around like a boat moving back and forth, so you have small waves n the hallways, in the rooms and everywhere else, then i thought of geting the gravity plating to begin malfunctioning, so the water slushes around, then kinda flies around the room, then when the plating malfunctions the water comes crasking down, some areas ill feel like rain, others like someone just dropped shamu's tank on you...creating a kick ass visual effect, yet dangerous.

so what do you think?
any feedback is greatly appreciated.

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21 years 2 months ago #7745 by Shane
I don't think water would be a good solution to fires on stations or ships. Too many problems; it conducts electricity, therefore electrical components (and people) can be damaged by it; it's difficult to contain and move about (sprinkler systems require massive amounts of hardware for small gains), and it's cumbersome and adds greatly to the mass of a station. Gasses which smother the fire would be more realistic.

In addition, a station would have numerous safeguard systems (hell, my lawnmower has about ten safty systems), to keep compartments sealed in the case of a hull failure event... so water could be easily contained if it 'broke free'.

But one can nearly always find the right pseudo-science to back up a wanted situation. ;)

One facet where large quanties of water could be used in station construction would be in the enviromental systems, since water transmits heat quite effectively and is easily pumped where needed. It also has a more rounded heat-distribution curve than air-based heating systems.

I'm not sure if it's enough to flood a station, but you could play around with the science... perhaps linking the station's drinking water (supply stores and evaporative purification systems) with the heating system. Or simply set your story in a station which would maintain those amounts of water (hydro-research facility? aquarium?).

Sounds interesting... good luck with your project. :D

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21 years 2 weeks ago #8798 by Second Chance
Without a doubt a pressurized chemical fire extinguishing system would be used, along with appropriate environmental pressure compartment sealing. Between these two systems even a large fire could be contained relatively quickly (a normal fire that is ;)).

Also, given the logistics of transporting and recycling a limited water supply, it's pretty unlikely that it would be wasted on anything other than drinking, scientific experiments or emergency use. And electrical power from the fusion generators would be a far more efficient source of environmental temperature control.

Conversely, an explosion could cause massive problems! Especially if it damages the said water supply or environmental control systems. Something like that could wreak havoc stationwide. Causing compartments to seal or vent to space [:0]. If you want to drop Shamu's tank on someone just have that scene happen in the station's water storage facilities, which should naturally be huge.

Personally, I like your idea for the water in the halls and rooms. It would make for some very tense action scenes. As long as you can give a reasonable explanation for why thousands of gallons of water are running loose on a space station. But if you can, it sounds like your off to a great start. :)

btw - just curious, where did you here that Star Trek bases use gravity plating?

*edit* My apologies to Shane, I just realized that your name was on the "Last Post" for this section for months and I just knocked you off. I think you should get a prize for being there the longest :D. Of course, if you reply to this post quickly you'll be right back on and no one will be the wiser ;).
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