Dying Off?

21 years 1 month ago #17874 by Scythan
Dying Off? was created by Scythan
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I am, was, and always will be a hardcore Independence War fan, I played the very first release, got Deluxe and JUST RECENTLY got IW2 working, though I've had it for a time.
I am very worried about this game's community, that I have also, recently discovered. Seeing as how Infogrames and P.S. are out-of-business, I am sure this game is dying, slowly.

Please uplift me, tell me that There are people like me who agree this is the best goddamn space game ever made.

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21 years 1 month ago #8238 by EricMan64
Replied by EricMan64 on topic Dying Off?
Infogrames is not out of business. They simply changed their name to Atari. The PS team is still together for the most part (as the Sheffield division of Argonaut Games), but PS is dead as a company. Unfortunately, it is true that the Independence War series will most likely never be continued (with exception of unofficial modding projects, of course). Atari owns the copyrights for everything IWar, by the way, so one of these days we have to find out who to contact over there to try to get our favorite games declared open source.

Please uplift me, tell me that There are people like me who agree this is the best goddamn space game ever made.

Of course. Nothing else has ever been made to even compare.

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21 years 1 month ago #8239 by Hot4Darmat
Replied by Hot4Darmat on topic Dying Off?
Yes, the community of fans has dwindled abit, but we're still adamant fans. I wonder how many other games can claim a strong and active fan community *counts on fingers* SIX years after the game was released.

It is THE best space sim series I've ever seen. There are still modding projects happening, active boards here and at ina (the Atari community forum), Stephen Robertson STILL occasionally pops in for a comment or two, and likely lurks more than that, and some people even write the occasional story based in the I-war universe. I'd say that's pretty good for a game that falls into the 'ancient' category, as games go.

We're still here.


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21 years 1 month ago #8240 by Scythan
Replied by Scythan on topic Dying Off?
Alright then, Let's Cook!!

(Info. was Bought Out, not a name change, Atari has been around since 1979.)

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21 years 1 month ago #8242 by Sivadrake
Replied by Sivadrake on topic Dying Off?
i was crazy about Wing commander when it first came out(ive always been a space fan)it was a great game, at the time, but when i first started Iwar2 i didnt really like it, my ship slid through space almost uncontrollably it seemed, my new computer didnt have a game port adapter for my ancient joystick so it was all keyboard, and i didnt really give it a chance. it sat in a drawer for 2 years untouched. got bored one day, installed it again, and i havent stopped playing it since.... its the best overall space sim i have ever played, the modding possibilities are huge and as long as it doesnt contain that scary little word....POG, then its really not that hard. as far as the game slowly dying, yeah i see that but look at how long its held on, no other game has ever held my attention like this one.

"Faith lies in the ways of sin"

"Dust to dust we're wired into sadness"

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21 years 1 month ago #8243 by Shane
Replied by Shane on topic Dying Off?
The Independence War community is still going very strong. But most current mods deal with EoC and not the original I-War. However, at this moment, I'm working on a ship for an I-War mod, so there's still some things happening with the original.

But I-War is dying, and it can't be helped. It's probably the greatest space sim ever made, but the Voodoo Curse drags it further away from the light of day with every DirectX release. The sad truth is that, in time, those lucky few who do own Voodoo cards will lose their legacy machines (or the cards themselves) to some malfunction, and eventually I-War will become a fond memory.

If only... (oh lord, here I go with the 'if only's' :D) If only there was a way to create the point-of-view changes when switching stations, an attempt to resurrect the original as an EoC mod could be made. The original movies could probably be used, the models are available with all their textures. But all the missions would have to be rescripted from the start, and there seems no way to change the station viewpoints.

Perhaps it's best to aim for creating a game like I-War using current tools, though it'd be a daunting undertaking.

<edit> Hot4Darmat is probably going to put a price on my head for saying I-War is dying. :D I'll get my neighbor to start my car for me in the future. ;)

<font size="1"><font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="black">"Never before in the history of the world had such a mass of human beings moved and suffered together. This was no disciplined march; it was a stampede-- without order and without a goal, six million people unarmed and unprovisioned, driving headlong. It was the beginning of the rout of Civilisation... of the massacre of Mankind."
--H. G. Wells The War Of The Worlds</font id="black"></font id="Book Antiqua"> </font id="size1">

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