YT-1300 and its enhancements

19 years 8 months ago #18226 by dertien
Hey there second chance,

Its been a while since I was on the forum and...

I have been drooling over my keyboard for about 4 hours now, reading posts about this new SW mod you guys are boxing together. BZZZ. Top notch work.

I am sorry if I post this in the wrong forum. Is there a SW TC forum for EOC ?

The Millenium falcon looks very cool indeed. there is however one thing that would have to be taken into consideration. The Millenium Falcon is by any means a cool ship and should be in the mod. However, I think you must not leave out the YT-1300 standard ship either.

It has not been seen in the movie series I think, but in XWA, the sabra is a stock YT-1300. With one gun turret at the top, without the sattelite dish, and with a smaller powerplant than the Millenium, who was for obvious reasons of smuggling enhanced by Han and Chewie.

The nice thing about EOC is that it features loads of subsystems, which would make it a perfect platform to make a SW TC.

Ok I'm just throwing Ideas in the air, but it would be nice to have a YT-1300 where you could add the extra sattelite dish, for example to enhance the sensor range.Just as it would be nice to enhance the YT-1300 bottom turret position with an extra taim-n-bak gun.
is this possible, since you are working with different meshes to combine a model ?

There is on the other hand (here i go again so slap me if I mention it too often!!!) a SW TC well on its way for Freelancer. Freelancer however lacks the ingame depth of EOC.

Anyways for reference material, it would maybe be appropriate to visit their site:

I cant wait to pilot that ship, allthough I am more a dark side dude than a rebel.

keep up the good show, you're doing a mighty job appreciated by all fans of the SW genre.

Peace out !!!


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19 years 8 months ago #11522 by dertien
further reference material found here:

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19 years 8 months ago #11526 by Second Chance
Hi dertien, thanks for the compliments. I've definitely put a lot of work into the models. And yes, this is the correct forum. I agree about the need for a stock YT-1300, and in fact, that's what the model was intended for. The guns are easily manipulated through the ini file. And the dish is a seperate mesh element so it can easily be edited out of the avatar lws. So, if you don't want the YT-1300 ships to have the bottom gun or dish, it will only be the work of a moment in notepad to change them. I won't make the dish an add-on subsim because it's a lot of extra work and, at the moment, there's no need for it. If it becomes an issue in the future I can change it.

The modeling aspect of the mod is a little slow right now due to personal problems and my inability to find a decent Mon Calamari ship schematic.
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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19 years 8 months ago #11528 by dertien
That is cool, indeed, there can be only ONE millenium falcon, as it is not a ship name, but the name given to that specific ship.

Furthermore, arent there any good Lightwave models around that you could use to cut down your work a little bit ? I mean it is a little bit pointless to reinvent the wheel, if you have decent LWO meshes available for download on the web. I have read your LWO guide, quite impressive. It would then only be necessary to tweak/ texture/rescale them again in order to use them in EOC.

Is there a FAQ section on the SW mod you guys are making for EOC ?
What is the shiplist ? are there going to be "old" ship designs like the one in Knights of the old republic, or the ship of princess Amidala from the SW1 movie ?
Is there a plan to have the Epic Dark Currents gameplay with SW ships and generated missions ?

what shipmodel from the mon calamari do you need ?

Peace out !!!


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19 years 8 months ago #11529 by Second Chance
Lol. Actually, "reinventing the wheel" as you say, is the point. The models didn't get made just to fill the mod needs. The mod sort of got built around the models. The only reason I make the models is for the fun of doing it. Originally, the Star Destroyer and YT-1300 models were just for me to play with in the SP game. When MajorTom suggested doing a complete MP mod I volunteered to do the models. The understanding was that I would hand-build all the main spacecraft models. That's one reason the mod has taken so long. I've made many SW models in the past, but this was an excuse to make models I would ordinarily never make for myself. That's why it's so important to me to hand-build all the models. Don't worry, it'll get done eventually. :)

btw - the reason we changed the reference from YT-1300 to Millennium Falcon is because, simply, very few people know what a YT-1300 is. More buzz is generated by using the falcon reference.

Sorry there's no FAQ for the mod at the moment, but have you read the post at the atari forum? It's here:
The ship list for now is:
Tie Fighter
Tie Interceptor
Tie Bomber*
Star Destroyer (as carrier)*
Mon Calamari cruiser of some kind (as carrier)**

* finished but not textured
** ships not yet started

I think that's all of them. If not, one of the other team members can correct me. You can see all of the ships (in their various stages) at my website.

As you can see, for the Mon Calamari ship I said "a cruiser of some kind." This is because I'm having terrible difficulty finding good schematics for any Mon Calamari ships. Ordinarily, I can work with just two views, but because of the unusual design of Mon Cal ships I really need three. So I'll take any schematics I can find.
The Ultimate Guide To Modding: I-War 2 - Edge Of Chaos (on hold during SW MP mod)

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19 years 8 months ago #11530 by dertien
Have been looking out for a MC cruiser schematic, no luck yet.

however check this out:

it needs quicktime, but it maybe could give some ideas for cockpit backgrounds, and texturing issues.

I think the effects of EOC are just as good, and with your modding skills, we could see a free version of this empire divided MP jump to lightspeed in EOC.

still searching,

will let you know if I have found it.

[V]snif, no nebulon-B, somebody call a waaambulance !!!


peace out !!!

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