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Portland Class
Manufacturer: Porter & Porter Haulage / ProxTech
Classification: Light Transport ("Space Truck")
Standard Crew: 2+2
Acceleration: 5 m/s
Max. LDS Speed: 0,33 c
Mass (empty): 8000 tons
Length: 95 m
Standard Armament: 1 PBC (forward)
In cooperation with ProxTech, Porter & Porter modified the Corvette's crew module for use as a LDS-capable tug and added several cargo containers as well as a PBC to it. The Portland Class was born, a cost-efficient mini-freighter for any kind of goods.
Webmaster's Comment: I'm really proud of this one, and people seem to like it. ;-) Maybe I'll make a mission with one of these, check out the missions section sometime in the future.
Friday, 02 January 2015 14:28
Friday, 02 January 2015 15:03
734 B