Converting EoC models to FBX

9 years 5 months ago #19894 by laurens
Hello everyone,

Recently I stumbled upon the PSO to Lightwave converter and it is awesome. I am importing the models in Blender and exporting them to FBX for use in Unreal Engine 4. The models come across excellent, it is the textures I am having some trouble with.

I convert the textures for the ship to PNG using Photoshop and making sure they are properly aligned as described in the Skinning Primer. However, even though I have multiple UV maps in Blender and a multitude of materials, I do not seem to be able to texture the entire model. It is as if the UV maps are incorrect or missing.

Has someone been able to get a complex model, such as a ship, properly textured in Blender? If so, any advice on how to treat the different UV maps, materials and textures in Blender would be greatly appreciated!


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9 years 5 months ago #19895 by Chessking
Richard Skinner and I have both tried to tackle this problem. I have also tried importing SketchUp models through Blender. In the case of SketchUp, it seems the .mat files were renamed to /*filename*/.mat.meta. I think the problem may lie here, as Blender seems to recognize the existence of the textures and their grouping structure (which faces they apply to). Both Richard Skinner and I have had more important things to work on and have not directly solved the problem, but their is another solution. Schmatzler was working on retexturing a model in this thread:

Also, here is here Richard Skinner and I were discussing textures:

This is one tough navy, boy. They don't give you time off, even for being dead. -Clay

Storm Petrel

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9 years 5 months ago #19896 by laurens
I was afraid of that. I tried Lightwave as well and it will load the models properly, but when I export them to FBX, it exports every UV map as a separate material (sometime as many as 64) and when imported in Unreal Engine 4, it will refuse to display more than 8 because that is the limit of Shader Model 5. How does Unity get around this limit?

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9 years 5 months ago #19897 by Chessking
Here 's some info for you to look over. If necessary, a program called Irfanview is excellent for converting images from one file type to another.

This is one tough navy, boy. They don't give you time off, even for being dead. -Clay

Storm Petrel

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