You don’t need to read the whole of this guide before pitting your wits against the cutthroats of Hoffer’s Wake, but you are likely to live longer if you do. At least read this
page before powering up your space craft and heading out in to the big
black - and it's
probably a good idea to familiarise yourself with the game's characters
and controls
before jumping into the cockpit. Essentially, there are three ways of playing the EDGE OF CHAOS demo. From the main menu you can select:
Training Jefferson has been around an awfully long time and knows just about all there is to know about piloting your ship, so be sure to learn all you can. You are going to be putting those skills to good use. We recommend that you use this option first before trying your hand at
Start New Game
or Instant Action. Start New Game Instant Action This special demo version
of Instant Action has a three minute time limit. Quick Start Combat
Guide On the left hand side of
the Reticle is the current speed of your spacecraft. When you up the
throttle (refer to the separate Control Guide or
use the throttle on the joystick), the three figures on the Reticle change to show the speed that you
want to travel at. Hit
enter to select gun weapons and backspace
to select missile weapons. |
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