3 - Using The HUD Menu

One of the most important features of the HUD, and an essential part of the interface between you and your ship, is the
HUD Menu. The HUD Menu allows easy access to the ship's functions via an easy-to-operate interface.
To display the menu, move the hat on the joystick in any direction or push any of the cursor keys. The menus shown
above will appear. This is the main root menu. From here you can select the following ships system menus depending on which direction you push the hat switch or cursor keys:
ENG - Engineering
NAV - Navigation
CMD - Command
WEP - Weapons
Selecting ENG takes you to the engineering screen, an advanced feature
which allows you to manipulate the various systems fitted to your ship.
Selecting NAV initially provides you with the following options:
The Starmap is used for setting waypoints for navigation and is explained in the
Using The Starmap section.
The Autopilot can be controlled from the HUD menu. This is discussed in the
Using The Autopilot Section.
The Undock option allows you to undock your ship from other structures.
Selecting WEP from the main menu allows you to change the filter on the contacts list.
Selecting CMD brings up a further menu with the following options:
Log shows you all the communications that you have received or sent since you left your base.
Objectives shows you your mission objectives for any current missions.
Comms brings up a further menu with the following options:
Wingmen are dealt with in the Advanced Weapons Usage and
Space Combat Tactics section of the guide.
In the full game there are other options which allow you to controll Turret
Fighters and to inform your compatriot Jafs that there is cargo available for pickup to be taken back to base.
Section: 4 - Using The Autopilot