This is just for archiving purposes! Generally, you want patch F14.6 and the community patch if you have the CD version.

This community patch mainly fixes the "Wolf's Lair" mission progression bug as well as the game crashing when visiting the Dagda system in Act 2. Install it just like a regular mod by putting it into the mod folder in your game directory.
More information about how this patch was made can be found here.

This patch updates all current digital releases and the retail CD/DVD version of "Edge of Chaos: Independence War 2" and removes the "Please Insert Play Disk" message that shows up when you don't have any (real or virtual) CD drives present in your system.
On the retail release, please make sure your game has been updated to version F14.6 before you apply this patch. Applying it on older versions won't work.
Thanks to DUCK for creating the original NoCD patch and to Stone-D for fixing it up to remove the check for a physical drive.

This is just for archiving purposes! Generally, you want patch F14.6 if you have the CD version.

This patch fixes a specific problem in Act 2 of Edge Of Chaos, where a character called Frederick Jackson at a station called Jackson's Yard will not speak to you, which can prevent progress through the game.

The original videos of I-War 2 are encoded in 4:3 format, with horizontal bars. If you haven't changed the in-game video scaling settings, your movies are super-stretched horizontally and ugly looking. These video files are in 16:9 format without the bars.
Just replace the contents of the X:/Independence War 2 - Edge of Chaos/movies folder (make a backup first if you want to) and enjoy!
Note: If your internet connection is slow, you might not get the full file. Try this download link as an alternative then.