
Neither The Independent Trading Post, its affiliates, Particle Systems, nor Infogrames is responsible for the content of any mod or any harmful effect any mod may have on your computer or data, even if The Independent Trading Post has been advised of such effect or content.
Though we attempt to keep harmful content off our site, we do not have the time to review every mod before it is posted. If you believe that a mod on this site has caused a harmful effect to your computer, please contact an administrator at the addresses at the bottom of the page.
This site contains content which is stated as being a "testing", "alpha" or "beta" version; such content has a higher-than-average risk of causing undesired effects. If you wish to avoid these versions, only download content under a title of "Full Release".
In the listings, the Column labeled "Latest Full Release" contains links to download the latest version of the content that has been deemed complete by its author. The "Latest Release" column contains the latest version the author has made available to the public, be it a testing or complete version.

Using Mods

In order to use mods, you must have the F14.6 patch installed. This can be found in the "Essentials" section, labeled "EOC F14.6 Patch".
To install most mods, download the zip file and place it in the "mods" subdirectory of your Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos installation. Some mods may have special installation instructions which may be explained in the mod information on the site, or in a readme file contained in the mod zip. To use a mod, run Edge of Chaos and choose "Extras" from the main menu. The mod name should appear in the list. Click the mod name and make sure there is a solid circle in the box next to the mod name.
If you have problems installing or using a mod, you can use the links to the author's website or e-mail if provided, or post on the Infogrames North America Independance War Forum.