Tuesday, December 02, 2014
The End of an Era: i-war2.com closing 4th January 2015
After a stint of nearly 15 years, i-war2.com will be going off-line on the 4th January 2015, indefinitely.
I should like to thank all those who contributed over the years and to the last of the veterans on the forum for sticking with it. And last but not least you the visitor for making it all worthwhile.
It's been a pleasure people and I hope the site has served you well.
All the best, Soup
P.S. If any of you space sim nutters are faring the galaxy in Elite Dangerous, look out for CMDR Ballantine.
posted by SoupDragon at 14:30 PM
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Torn Stars launches Unstable Space (Beta)
Torn Stars bring new life to the EoC franchise with the beta release of Unstable Space.
After a gap of 4 years, core coder Cambragol has invested the last four months getting to this stage. Give it a go.
Two flavours:
You will first need to do a fresh install of EoC. Then be sure to apply the f14.6 patch. Thereafter install the game and play.
Unstable Space - low res [146MB] and; Unstable Space - full res [165MB].
posted by SoupDragon at 21:05 PM
Friday, March 2, 2007
Torn Stars bids farewell to key developer
GrandPaTrout has left the Torn Stars development team to dedicate time to that omni-present nemesis called "real life". Click here.
He has lead the Torn Stars development team from its early days as Unstable Space to the present. And in doing so kept alive the EoC culture long after it's supposed sell-by date.
The loss of GrandPa' is at a key juncture as the latest version of Torn Stars is comfortably at beta stage 2.
If there are any developers out there who have the time and would like to see Torn Stars reach its final release, please contact the Torn Stars development team either here or via the Torn Stars website.
Thanks again GrandPa'
posted by SoupDragon at 11:27 AM
Monday, October 16, 2006
Unstable Space Restarts
Fusion Drive Restart Sequence Initiated....
Deuterium Injectors nominal
Primary ring magnetics at 50 percent and stable
Clear for neutronim strike ignition....NOW
Fusion restart sequence complete!
Hey fans, the Unstable Space release is back under development. After a summer off for real life reasons, the project is back underway.
We will be needing beta testers in a month or so. So reinstall EoC and brush your piloting skills up to a shine. With the new traffic scripts and deadly new nukes and enemies your going to need all the help you can get.
Click here to read the latest.
posted by SoupDragon at 09:52 AM
Sunday, January 15, 2006
EoC Online returns
EOC Online is a FREE multi-user turn based game. Join a faction and battle against other players all around the world for domination of the galaxy! Strategise and team up with friendly pilots to dominate sectors and Capsule Jump to new areas to beat the enemy.
Click here to enter EoC Online.
posted by SoupDragon at 10:32 AM
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Torn Stars
For those of you who maybe unaware, Torn Stars (nee Epic: Middle States) now has its own website. All the latest news, new developments and downloads can be found here.
This highly popular addition to the I-War saga has some exciting new developments on the horizon and is well worth the visit.
Click here to enter Torn Stars.
posted by SoupDragon at 08:11 AM
Monday, October 10, 2005
Torn Stars (Epic: Middle States) release
The wait is finally over. GrandpaTrout's Torn Stars has arrived. A total conversion mod that enhances the freeform experience of Trade and Piracy in Edge of Chaos. Torn Stars introduces a new cluster and the new occupation of merchant trader, as well as forming a platform for future releases.
- A new star cluster with well developed background The Middle States.
- Economic simulation and new occupation of Merchant Trader.
- Reputation adjusted by player actions such as Piracy.
- Governments protect innocent shipping and actively pursue pirates.
- Pirates haunt Lagrange points and prey on merchant shipping.
- Non Player ships sell equipment, fence cargo and will work as wingmen.
- A totally new Environmental Music system for added SciFi realism.
- Modded Flux engine provides excellent graphics and dramatic lighting.
- Player wingmen are supported. They burn fuel and demand pay.
- Save Nearly Anywhere better supports a free roaming play style.
Enter the download page here.
posted by SoupDragon at 03:47 AM
Monday, September 19, 2005
First Anniversay of Paper Models Website
The first anniversary of the paper models website has just passed. Independence War paper Models is dedicated to just that: the production of paper models of the I-War space sim. The models and templates are brought together under this website by past Particle Systems employee Stephen Robertson and I-War fan-fiction writer Duncan Day. Great work and well worth a visit.
posted by SoupDragon at 10:11 AM
Sunday, August 7, 2005
Complete Savegame Set
Courtesy of Shane Maness, we now have the complete Savegame set for the English version of EoC. Those of you in despair can now be saved. Each savegame is free of mod enhancements and documented.
posted by SoupDragon at 14:16 PM
Monday, August 9, 2004
Aerospace Simulation Project - Game Expansion Releases
Battletech from Hungary have released two Game Expansions to complement this acclaimed EoC mod.
New ships and challenges await.
Inner Sphere Fighter Pack: Engage clan fighters in this sneaky stealth mission. Capital Ship Pack: Powerful ships that pack a punch, but can you handle them?
posted by SoupDragon at 07:23 AM
Saturday, July 10, 2004
Dogs of War Intro Movie
Download "Dogs of War" Intro Movie
Some history: The Epic mod for Independence War 2 takes place in the fragmented Middle States cluster struggling with post-war reconstruction.
The Epic modder group set out to create two types of game experiences for this cluster: a single player, mission-based campaign,
called "Dogs of War", and a more free-form style game within a dynamic cluster where player action could affect the balance of
power, called "Dark Currents". The story of Patrick Nolan, salvage pilot-turned mercenary was to be the basis for a single player,
mission-based campaign set in this cluster. The intro movie for this story was intended to introduce the player to some of the key
characters, the Middle States cluster, and some of the conflicts that would arise as the story unfolded. It was also meant to pay
homage to the excellent movies included in the Independence War games. The intro movie to "Dogs of War" was a joint effort between
Major Tom, who did all the pog scripting and camera work, and Hot4Darmat, who did the writing and voice recording. The "Dogs of War"
mod remains unfinished due to time constraints and shortage of volunteers, but the movie is worth sharing.
There is a download avaliable on this site for the movie in full screen size, with excellent detail and quality. The scripted
cutscene requires the EOC game to be installed and uses the games cutscene engine.
This download provides you with a version of the movie that, was captured with non professional software. It is a little jerky and
hazy in some scenes but, can be played with your standard media player if you don't have the game installed.
If anyone has more professional equipment and would be able to capture the movie at higher quality please
contact Hot4Darmat. Anyone with modelling or scripting skills interested in bringing this
mod to completion should contact Major Tom.
posted by SoupDragon at 20:57 PM
Thursday, June 4, 2004
Beauty Shots
The scenario, Beauty Shots, is a mod from Second Chance. It will allow you to take beauty shots of any sim using the hoffers wake setting as a background. When you launch the scenario you will find yourself in Hoffers Wake with the desired sim 1000 meters away from you (and facing you) ready to have its picture taken.
posted by SoupDragon at 10:37 AM
Friday, April 2, 2004
Aerospace Simulation Project
Battletech from Hungary have put together a great piece of work called the Aerospace Simulation Project. This mod replaces the standard EoC
game and comes with an impressive array of ships.
The game currently starts you in a Clan setting. Launching deep strike missions from the hidden starbase Ursa Major, your goal is to protect the Periphery region of the Ghost Bear Dominion. Your primary targets are pirates, bandit caste settlements, and of course the Comstar Explorer Corps vessels.
Well worth a look!
Notes: Make sure you read the instructions fully and backup your present game. File size is around 21 MB.
posted by SoupDragon at 21:45 PM
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Mods Update
The mod development process still ticks away with the introduction of two new creations. Skull Squadron by Qi Qi. You can summon three teams of fighters which comprise the Skull Squadron led by Rick Hunter, and numerous fighters to be your wingmen whenever and wherever you want to in space. And all of the teams and wingmen can be toggled on or off, as you order them to do so.
The Distuptor Gun Turret by Major Tom is self explanatory. Performing the same service as the Disruptor Missile but designed for close combat situations. Life just got easier in the badlands.
As always read the instructions fully.
posted by SoupDragon at 11:41 AM
Monday, February 23, 2004
EoC Multiplayer Site
MajorTom's EoC Multiplayer Site has undergone a revamp. The familiar layout design is still there with the main changes in navigation
bringing closer to the core data.
posted by SoupDragon at 22:51 PM
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
The Meeting
Final chapters of the Meeting are now available.
posted by SoupDragon at 18:15 PM
Thursday, December 25, 2003
Most scholars and historians agree that the clandestine meeting between the leader of the Independent Navy,
Quartermaster Colin MacDuff, and the Captain of the Commonwealth Naval Vessel CNV 301 Dreadnaught was a pivotal
moment in the Independence War. This encounter was a turning point in that war, because both sides came to
understand that a third power was manipulating their conflict. That realization allowed them to re-evaluate
their longstanding hostilities, and change the outcome of history. The popularly accepted version of those
events has it that an invitation to the Captain of the Dreadnaught, etched into a piece of debris and
deliberately launched at a station, brought about this meeting. However, it turns out that this was
only a small part of that story. Up until recently, little has been known about the valiant behind-the-scene
efforts and sacrifices made by others in this quiet but critical historical moment. It is now clear that it
took much more than a piece of debris to bring about the success of..
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Buda5 Mission Collection 2003
After a long period of 10 month filled with scripting,
debugging, modelling and trying to get free time for the
progress of Buda5 whenever it was possible, the (inofficial)
new revision of the X-Mas Packet 2002 is out: The Buda5
Mission Collection 2003.
The compilation contains the following classical and new
The Buda5 Ship Gallery
Omega Patrol
Skirmish Generator
Director War
Escort Mission
It features all of the available Buda5 ships what makes
a total amount of 37 fighters and capital Babylon5 ship
types plus stationery objects.
For more information and the download visit the Buda5
Homepage and our forum.
Roi Danton [Buda5]
posted by SoupDragon at 08:15 AM
Saturday, October 18, 2003
Ultimate Freeform Mod "Gold Rush" : Released!
Ericman's Ultimate Freeform Mod, "Gold Rush" is now available
for download. Be sure to read
the instructions carefully.
posted by SoupDragon at 08:15 AM
Thursday, October 16, 2003
Ultimate Freeform Mod "Gold Rush" : Goes GOLD!
The wait is soon to be over. The much vaunted "Gold
Rush" from Ericman has reached the final launch stage
and will be available here at I-War2.com this Saturday,
October 18 at 0900 hours BST.
posted by SoupDragon at 07:12 PM
Monday, September 22, 2003
Ultimate Freeform Mod "Gold
Rush "
Gold Rush is a new mod from Ericman, which will soon arrive
in our solar-system. Encompassing the following, you will
play the role of a prospective miner with all the dangers
and risks it entails:
- A huge new solar system to explore.
- All new player base screens.
- Save and Load your game from multiple different stations.
- Large, beefy asteroid fields.
- Land on planets such as Earth.
- Tons of different technologies to help an independent
- Comprehensive built-in manual.
- All new sound track with music from www.ocremix.org
A firm release date has yet to be announced so watch this
space, it's worth the wait.

posted by SoupDragon at 08:12 AM
Friday, September 5, 2003
Welcome to a long overdue update
on the latest development and news relating to I-War II
"Edge of Chaos".
Epic "Dogs of War"
For the past 9 months and more this team of "dogged"
developers have been working away most, and some, all their
spare time to continue the legacy of I-War.
Epic "Dogs of War" is a complete mission based
game with a universe consisting of 4 complex factions all
centred around an enigmatic salvage come mercenary pilot
called Patrick Nolan.

As a taster you can download their "Intro
For a more details on this project: Epic
Buda5 "InGame Release"
For some, the wait has been excruciatingly painful... However,
the wait is now over. Buda 5 InGame has been released! Buda
5 InGame is a special Mod that replaces all ships, stations,
sounds, music, backgrounds, interfaces, etc... in Iwar2:EOC.
Go to the 'Buda
5 InGame Download' Section to learn more.
For further details about Buda5: Buda5

posted by SoupDragon at 11:48 AM